AI ChatBot

Automate 80% of Your Customer Service

Stop using customer service reps. to answer basic questions.

What is a Customer Service Bot?

It’s your own ChatGPT employee trained on your unique business data, available 24/7, 365 days a year, available on your website, Messenger, Instagram DM, and whatsapp. 

It can handle most of your customer service questions, around 80% in our experience, so your customer support team can focus on the more complex questions.

How much money can it save my ecommerce business?

Let’s crunch some numbers, shall we?

Picture your online store getting 100 customer queries daily, and each question takes your customer service rep. 2 minutes to answer. And lets say, you pay $20 an hour per employee (including pension and healthcare).

Your current solution is quite the budget-buster, chomping down a steep $24,333 from your coffers annually. Ouch!

Leap into the eCommerce future with our savvy AI Chatbot, and see those figures gracefully somersault down to a much more wallet-friendly $10,855 per year. Now that’s what we call a financial fiesta!

The Old Way

The New Way

Calculate your cost savings

Use our google sheets calculator and get a more accurate estimate of your cost savings.

Below you can find the link, but be sure to copy the file so you can make adjustments.

Cost Savings Calculator

Where can I see examples?

Check out our own AI Chatbot and ask any questions you want! 

When can I get the results?

24 hours after we receive your FAQ list.

We have made processes and systems effective, so we can deliver results very quickly. 

How much time will it require from my company?

Less than 1 hour, just send us the FAQ and then we will do all the work.

How do I get started?

Step 1.

Signup by contacting us

Step 2.

Send us your FAQ

Step 3.

We do all the work including setup, monitoring and improving the bot, so your bot employee gets smarter and smarter.

Why should I get started now?

If you are not already using AI, you are already losing the race, because your competitors are definetly using AI.

Ready to Get Started?